Hiển thị đơn giản Hiển thị MARC Hiển thị ISBD

Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders

Tác giả Papathanasiou, Ilias
Đồng tác giả: Norbury, Courtenay | Gosse, Carolyn
Lần xuất bản:3rd ed. Nhà xuất bản : Jones & Bartlett Learning (USA) Số ISBN:9781284184099.
Chủ đề: Sách tham khảo
Năm xuất bản: 2022
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Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Third Edition reviews the definition, terminology, classification, symptoms, and neurology of aphasia, including the theories of plasticity and recovery. Using the WHO ICF framework and focusing on evidence-based practice the Third Edition provides you with a comprehensive overview of the field. Best practices of aphasia assessment and intervention are presented including the most up-to-date neuropsychological models and formal and informal testing procedures to maximize correct clinical rehabilitative decisions. Theoretical bases for rehabilitation, guidelines for organization and delivery of evidence-based therapy, as well as augmentative and alternative communication therapy, and computer-based treatments are also presented. Written by international experts, this accessible text presents a global perspective, while emphasizing important recent advances in communication disorders. Chapters include case illustrations to help students understand clinical issues, learning objectives, review questions, and a discussion of future directions that highlight upcoming developments in the field.

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