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The Survival Medicine Handbook: the Essential Guide for When Medical Help is NOT on the Way

Tác giả Alton, Joseph
Đồng tác giả: Alton, Amy
Lần xuất bản:3rd Nhà xuất bản : Doom and Bloom (.-USA) Thông tin vật lý: 671tr. ;23cm Số ISBN:978-09888725-5-4.
Chủ đề: Sổ tay | Y khoa | Sách tham khảo
Năm xuất bản: 2016
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If you had to deal with an injury or illness in a disaster, would you know what to do? The Survival Medicine Handbook is a 670 page detailed guide for those who want to be medically prepared for any disaster where help is NOT on the way. This book is written by Joe Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., the premiere medical preparedness professionals from the top ten survival website www.doomandbloom.net. The expanded third edition of the 3 category Amazon bestseller (Survival Skills, Disaster Relief, Safety/First Aid) is geared to enable the non-medical professional to deal with all the likely issues they will encounter in catastrophic short or long-term scenarios. The third (2016) edition of The Survival Medicine Handbook is not your standard first aid book: Unlike other so-called “survival” medical books, it assumes that a disaster, natural or man-made, has removed all access to hospitals or doctors for the foreseeable future; you, the average person, are now the highest medical resource left to your family. The Survival Medicine Handbook will give you the tools, in plain English, to competently handle injuries and illness for any situation that leaves you as the end of the line with regards to your family's medical well-being.

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