Hiển thị đơn giản Hiển thị MARC Hiển thị ISBD

Color Atlas of Microsurgery in Endodontics

Nhà xuất bản : :Saunder Company (.-USA) Thông tin vật lý: 171tr. ;27cm Năm xuất bản: 2001
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Răng - Hàm - Mặt Dai hoc Ky thuat Y - Duoc Da Nang
617.6 (Xem kệ sách) Available NV.RHM0005

Dr. Syngcuk Kim, a world leader in microsurgical endodontic techniques, introduces advancements to the dental community in this book. This atlas showcases the most recent advances in microsurgical techniques and instrumentation, in a full-color reference format with 380 brilliant illustrations. Current topics include a comparison of traditional surgery and microsurgery in endodontics, microsurgical instruments, operation of the microscope, soft tissue management, and retropreparation. The book includes actual case histories.

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