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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy

Tác giả
Lần xuất bản:Second Edition Nhà xuất bản : :OUP (.-USA) Thông tin vật lý: 674tr. ;18cm Năm xuất bản: 2012
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Kiểu tài liệu Thư viện hiện tại Ký hiệu phân loại Trạng thái Ngày hết hạn Đăng ký cá biệt
Dược khoa Dai hoc Ky thuat Y - Duoc Da Nang
616.9 (Xem kệ sách) Available NV.D0001

Now fully updated for a second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy remains the indispensible guide to clinical pharmacy, providing all the information needed for practising and student pharmacists. Presenting handy practical guidance in a quick-reference, bullet-point format, it will supply the knowledge and confidence you need to provide a clinical pharmacy service.
The handbook includes information on controlled drugs, adverse drug reactions, interactions, communication skills, and confidentiality. It also features chapters on adherence, anaphylaxis, clinical trials, herbal medicines, patient management, pharmaceutical calculations, research, policy, and therapy related issues. Palliative care sections have been expanded to include symptom management and end-of-life pathways. Other new sections such as pharmacogenetics, thyroid disorders, and domiciliary oxygen therapy have been included. Complementing the current British National Formulary guidelines, the handbook gives prescribing points and linked concepts of relevance to clinical pharmacists. The content is evidence-based and contains a wealth of information from the authors' many years of clinical pharmacy experience.

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